Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Distractions of this world

There is no way I can explain God's love.. He loves everybody and does not want any to perish. No one knows when our savior is coming back. This is why we should be on our best behavior. Brothers and sisters we have to stay in his powerful word. Satan will do anything to keep you out the bible.

He uses things like Facebook and instagram to distract God's people. We use excuses like we don't have time to read the bible. Or we say things like we work too much. Those are all lies that Satan is telling you. We all have time. It's just that we don't manage it as well.

Time is running out this is the truth. We all need to remember GOD is the most important factor in our lives. We are here to glorify him, not ourselves. As soon as you start too look at life like this it will be easier to put him first. We all need to get back to serving our GOD. And always keeping him first. He is so sick of our idols. And eventually he will release his wrath.

He cannot stand For his children to be lukewarm. You have to serve him whole heartedly or none at all. He is a very jealous GOD. This is warning to all. Wake up and repent because the time is near.

Monday, October 27, 2014

Ebola break out

It is time for God's people to stand up. The enemy has conjured up so many plans on how he can destroy us. We have been sleep and ignoring the voice of God. Why have these plagues come up on us? Is it because of the disbelief in the land? Or the rebellion? What about idolatry?

God has been touching our minds and hearts but we have been so caught up with ourselves. Which is the love of self, also a sin. We all need to repent and turn from our wicked ways. Ask the lord to show you where you are falling short, so you can repent.

GOD loves us soo much. But time is running out and only the strong will survive. We need to come together against Satan with fast and prayer so that we may be delivered out of the enemies hand. God doesn't want any to perish. But we have to be in the word diligently to build our most Holy  faith.

If our God Whom we serve is able to deliver us from the burning fiery furnace, He will deliver us out of your hand, O king. But if not, let it be known to you, O king, that we will not serve your gods or worship the golden image which you have set up!
Daniel 3: 17-18

And to wait for His Son from heaven, whom He raised from the dead, even Jesus who delivers us from the wrath to come. 1 Thessalonians 1: 10(NKJV)

Sunday, August 3, 2014

Struggling to let go

Forgiveness is a key component with your relationship with the Heavenly Father. He says in his word, if you don't forgive he will not forgive you. That is pretty scary when you analyze it. Think of every person who ever hurt you. What emotion comes out of you when you think about this person. Sometimes we dont acknowledge the pain and hurt that someone has caused us. We sweep our emotions under the rug, instead of dealing with them right away. The only way to deal with negative emotions or feelings are to comfront them. Just because your emotions are hidden does not mean they are not there. You should think about every person that has ever hurt you. Contact them and express the way you  feel to them. Pray before you do this and ask the holy spirit to direct your words. Trust in him, he is our teacher.

Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Whom shall we trust??

Faith and trust go hand in hand. We as believers are always stating how strong our Faith is. This is tested by trial and tribulations. For if we have faith in him we will believe in all of his words. The Lord knows your heart and all of your wicked ways. We say one thing but do another. For example: Its rent time, its the last day to pay, but your short 250 dollars. What is a believer to do at this point in time? This is where your trust is suppose to come in. We are to pray to our heavenly father and ask for his  help and wisdom. We are not to be worried or stressed. It shows lack of trust in a person place or thing, and for us it shows lack of trust in God. We are to stand firm on the mighty word of God. With the example, most believers get weary and they go out and get them a loan of some sort. This shows the father that you dont trust him as you say you do. Also your faith is not in him but something else. We have to reevaluate ourselves. Who do we have trust in? Where is our faith at with our heavenly father? These are questions to ask yourself. It should also bring you to repentance.

Friday, July 11, 2014

Giving your best dance to the lord

Why are we so ashamed to realease our best praise, we sit there and clap our hands, we stand up. Sometimes we might even shout. But is that all you have for your almighty God??? We are so afraid to truly let go and give him his worthy praise! Its sorta strange how we listen to secular music and we let it all out, but when it comes to worship and praise we contain ourselves as if we are embarrassed, or don't want to be judged. Remember God is looking for someone to worship him in spirit and truth! The next time your in worship release it all to him. Give him his worthy praise. Don't  be ashamed of him, because he is not ashamed of you. Your deliverance could be right around the way, but he is looking and he is watching for true worshippers.